Tuesday, March 10, 2009

The To Do List....

Well here we are the week before Spring Break. It has been wild and wooly lately in the world of teaching and Spring Fever has sprung! A full moon too. Before we know it summer time will be upon us. I don't know if time is truly flying or if I am just getting older. No comments welcomed on that one. Ha! Ha! I, as usual, had started writing my Spring Break to do list down on a notebook when these wonderful chores would come to mind. I had taken this notebook to computer lab with me this morning jotting down lesson plans and one of my babies was toting it back for me and "haphazardly" I am sure, read it. By the time we got back to the classroom the children have obviously shared the information and was giggling. One finally mustered up the courage and said, "Mrs. Larkin, do you really think you are going to be able to do all of that stuff." Good question I thought. Unfortunately the other sign of my age is that it contained a full weeks worth of fun things like sweeping the porch, painting the outside doors and organizing the office. Yuck! What I really wanted to be doing is running off to sun and solitude for a couple of days with Jill, Christy and our girls. Oh well, maybe next year. That's the only way we can get away together, our other vacations are planned around each other because she is the only one that can keep that clinic running when we aren't there. You da bomb friend!

Jill if your out there, we need to claim a long weekend once a year for a short getaway!!

We'll call it therapy or something! Ha! Ha!

Well I have once again cheated myself out of having to cook supper, so let me go make myself useful at something else! :-) Have a good night everyone!


Jill McCormick said...

You are making me feel guilty! I wish we could get away for a couple of days....I do need it! I love my job and you know that, but money is really tight right now. Thanks for the friendship and THANKS for the JOB! Love you honey, Jill